Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol

  • Location : Paris, Assemblée nationale
  • Date : 28 february 2022

Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol

Presentation of the conference

A meeting of the Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group on Europol (JPSG) will be held, via videoconference, on Monday 28 February 2022.

In accordance with article 88 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU),  Europol’s activities are subject to scrutiny, in particular as regards the impact of those activities on the fundamental rights and freedoms of natural persons, by the European Parliament together with national parliaments by means of a Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group established on  10 October 2017 on the basis of article 51 of Regulation (EU) 2016/794 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol).

The JPSG is an original and thus far unique form of joint scrutiny of a European agency by the European Parliament and national parliaments. Each national parliament is represented by four members and the European Parliament by 16 MEPs, and the Rules of Procedure encourage the continuity of parliamentary participants for the duration of the terms of office concerned.

The JPSG holds two meetings per year and is presided jointly by the European Parliament and by the Parliament of the State holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU. It has extensive rights of information, arising from the Europol regulation implemented in its Rules of Procedure: the right to call the Chairperson of the Management Board of Europol, the Executive Director of Europol and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) to appear before it; right of access to certain documents; right of each parliamentarian to put questions to Europol; inclusion of a JPSG member on the Europol Management Board. The JPSG publishes the results of its political scrutiny and adopts conclusions.

The Chairpersons’ welcome speech


Yaël Braun-Pivet

Chair of the National Assembly Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee

François-Noël Buffet

Chair of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee

Juan Fernando López Aguilar

Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs

Videos of the meeting

Photos of the event

No photos available for this meeting

